Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Whisper in a Church

Lisa and I weren't married a year yet. One Sunday morning I wake up and went into the bathroom. She is standing there... shocked. I don't even pay her any attention. She was shaking like a leaf on a tree and I walk right by her. "Honey, I have something to tell you" she said. Fathers, do you remember this moment? As I turned to look at her I saw the test in her hand. As a matter of fact, she had already taken two if I remember correctly. We were pregnant!What joy it is to find that you are going to be a father. I have dreamed of this day and awaited it with extreme anticipation. Our hearts filled with joy as our future changed in a matter of minutes.
Do I know how to be a father? My father was never around. He wasn't a bad dad, he just wasn't there. We had a "one call a week" relationship. I guess that's better than some kids have it, but it still wasn't good. He would call on Sundays to see how us kids were doing. We would only talk to him if we wanted something. I remember watching some of my friends doing things with their dads and wish it was my father and me. So much I felt I was missing out on; fishing, hunting, four wheelers, shooting guns, football Sundays, but most of all learning to be a man. I ended up turning to all the wrong "father figures" in life to find love.
Well, that Sunday morning I found out I was going to be a father became even more special to me. In church during a worship song, God spoke right to my heart. He said "I am going to teach you so much about my love for you through you becoming a father". I was touched. I turned to my wife and told her what He had said to me. She began to cry.
I open my blog with this account because I am going to share with you what a Father shares with His son. I look forward to all of the little (and big) ways that God reveals His love for us through the relationship that a father has with his son. Already I have seen God's favor and grace, but that is for another blog. Until then, know that our heavenly Father loves us so dearly and calls us sons and daughters. It is in this relationship that we truly experience the meaning of "I am the Life".

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Anonymous said...

Grasping the Father's love and giving it to your family and all you meet is the abundant life! I can't wait to hear all your experiences of the Father and Son's love. It is what we all hunger for.

Mary Lou's Studios said...
