Thursday, June 7, 2012

"YOLO Like a Boss"

Out of the gate. Off and running! Like a winner. Like a champ. Like a BOSS! No fear in those eyes, only the excitement of life. Lilly has gotten the two step down and is now interested in the tango of transportation. With that look of adventure she gets in her eyes as she races across the house, you can almost here her saying "You Only Live Once". (Y.O.L.O)

If you are anything like I am, you are the last to pick up on new internet chatter and slang words. The latest has been "YOLO" and "Like a Boss". By the time I get done writing this article they will likely be old news. These are the mantras of today's youth culture. "You Only Live Once" so do it like a pro or "Like a Boss". Sounds appealing with some serious truth to it. The more I watched my daughter "get her footing" learning to walk, the more I realized she isn't wasting any time learning to live and living to learn.

So if we only live once, if we are only here for a due season then what should living like a boss look like? Most of the bosses I've had in life weren't the best examples. Fast food boss, hated his job. Restaurant boss, obsessed with making money. With many "Bosses" in life I have seen issues of control, power, selfishness, perfectionism and criticism just to name a few more. So, what example is it that we follow if we only live once? The good news is there is a Boss who has left us an example of how we ought to walk in this life since we are only here for a season.

This is what you were called to do, because Christ suffered for you and gave you an example to follow. So you should do as he did. 

Doesn't sound like the attitude of today's "look out for #1" culture does it? Of course not! Christ was counter-cultural in His day and ours. He left us an example that we might give ourselves for others. That we might share in the suffering of laying our lives down. Taking into account that "like a boss" for Christ was more "like a Servant", we are left with an example that cannot be ignored in a "me" focused world.

 But what you learned in Christ was not like this.I know that you heard about him, and you are in him, so you were taught the truth that is in Jesus. You were taught to leave your old self—to stop living the evil way you lived before. That old self becomes worse, because people are fooled by the evil things they want to do. But you were taught to be made new in your hearts,

Once we have learned (experienced, received, come to the intimate knowledge of) Christ we realize it is our hearts that have been changed. Because of Who now lives in us we can no longer live the YOLO life like a boss the care-less way, but we can live it the care-full way. We learn that "only living once" gives us the opportunity to live the Boss life... the Christ Life like a champ!

I am an example to many people, because you are my strong protection. 

You Only Live Once... and everyone is watching! What is your life saying to those around you? Where do you place your trust? Your hope? Where do you find your strength? Not only do you follow an example but you leave one as well. If you want to live, know Who Life is! Want to do things "like a Boss" than who are you learning from?

Like my daughter, learning to walk out the Christ Life is adventuresome and daring. My daughter learned a great deal of her walking by watching her brother. As we live this life, the example we look to we learn from and we leave behind. You only live once... true, you should do it like a boss... absolutely! But ask yourself a couple of questions...
  1. Who are you looking to as an example?
  2. What does a boss look like?                
  3. Who is watching you?                          
Now enjoy watching Lilly "YOLO like a Boss!"...

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