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Lilly talking on her toy phone |
Just the other day Lilly picked up a toy phone and put it to her ear for the first time. We never instructed her to or showed her how... or did we? Attached at our hips and to our ears are our cell phones. All Lilly had to do is watch long enough and she got the idea. She was ready to pick up the phone and say "I just called to say I love you", from the bottom of her heart of course!
It is said some of the most pliable years are in the first two or three. Our little sponges watching and soaking in all they can. I remember our son,George, wanting mommy & daddy's cell phones because that is what he saw us with. Kids pick up on everything that is happening around them. Why should communication be any different?
Can you think of any ways you learned to communicate growing up? Do you see any similarities of communication between you and your parents or other adult figures? A lot of what I learned was not healthy, most down right destructive. With my two year old, I notice he gets angry like I do. Is that "something in his blood?", I don't think so. He sees daddy get angry and learns communication. When he sees daddy love his family, George learns communication.
Now what about when it comes to our faith? What are our children seeing? With all of the alternative venues out there trying to communicate to our children, it is vital for them to see a vibrant faith in the home. Faith cannot just be talked about before bed, a prayer at meals, and church on Sunday. Faith must be intrinsically entwined within the family unit or the best you end up with is flat religion. Our communication must move past the realm of cell phones, laptops, text messages and T.V.s. As parents, we must set the reigns toward a living faith which is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen by the magnificence of an Unchanging Constant Communicator...God.
Train children to live the right way, and when they are old, they will not stray from it.
Still one of my favorite verses since becoming a parent. Too often today children are given the ability to "figure it out on their own". In the name of freedom we cease to be their shepherds. Seeking to be a friend we cease being a parent. In the face of compromise we cease our calling. Letting our children "figure it out" is not discipleship, it is disastership! Train your child and they will not depart when they are old.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
You ever notice when a child falls down how a parent reacts can have an impact on whether a child cries or not. Why? The child looks to the parent to see if everything is O.K. When we freak out they freak out. If we keep cool, they will likely keep cool (unless the fall is hard). What about when they see us going through our daily struggles? What does your communication in those times look like? I can tell you, mine isn't always Philippians 4:6. Imagine how our children would learn to communicate if they see us take everything to God in prayer, supplication, and thanksgiving!
pray without ceasing;
Simple enough, right? This is where the rubber meets the road. If all we do is teach communication with God when we wake, over meals, bed time, and on Sundays, we are doing a great disservice to our children. Let them see you pray in the middle of traffic (likely for the nice man who just cut you off). Pray when they don't feel good, or ask them to pray when you don't feel good. Pray when you don't have the answer (or when you think you do!). Believe me, if they see you do this enough... they will begin to "pick up the phone".
Training our children up in the way they should go isn't always perfect, anyone with kids knows that! Yet, when we live faith out in front of them with prayer, supplication and thanksgiving unceasingly; we will see our little sponges communicate a whole lot better with the world around them and most importantly with The Father Himself. Ultimately as parents this should not only be our goal, but our desire. Being as imperfect as I am in parenting, won't you along with me ask The Father to make us better instruments of communication?
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Thoughtful connections about psychology. Purposeful parenting has very real consequences. But personal living, just as much. We must live the wisdom we want our children to become. Great points! You connected on my end!
Thanks John,
"We must live the wisdom we want our children to become" Love it! Really looking forward to your posts on www.mysonsfirstbible.blogspot.com You are an excellent writer and what I have read so far is nothing short of articulately awesome!
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