John 10:3-5 says; "The Watchman opens the door for this man, and the sheep listen to His voice and heed it: and He calls His own sheep by name and brings (leads) them out. When He has brought His own sheep outside, He walks on before them, and the sheep follow Him because they know His voice. They will never [on any account] follow a stranger, but will run away from him because they do not know the voice of strangers or recognize their call." Amp.
They say sheep are just plain dumb animals. If they are dumb, we are so far beyond dumb it's not even funny. Sheep know the voice of their Shepard and they run from strangers. Sounds a lot smarter than I have been in the past. God wants us to Know His voice and follow when He calls. The pain a father must feel when he calls to his son and the son just ignores his voice. I don't know if I will ever be prepared for the time my son just turns me off. I want him to Know my voice, a voice of intimacy, security, protection, love and all the things that God's voice is to us today. Please... take the time to hear the Father's Voice.
1 comment:
George, You made me smile as I saw "my baby's"baby in the oven belly. And to think of one's belly button as a microphone for messaging between father and son! George, with all the technology God has allowed mankind to invent in this our season, you have thought of something so basic, so simple, so child-like, so precious. I think the message here that comes to mind is that we only need be ourselves to communicate with our father in heaven. We just need to take the TIME to spend with him. Ditto for fathers on earth.
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