Lisa and I wanted our son to be born on 11/11/09. You see, My birthdate is 12/12 and hers is 10/10 and we were married on 8/8 so we had this number thing going. Although that would have been really cool, our true hearts desire was that the Lord would pick the day.
Well, we decided to go and watch a world record setting of "The most people doing the Thriller dance at one time". We walked out onto this long pier and really had a good time, joking about all the walking! It's kind of funny because we didn't get home until 11pm and I got on the computer. I saw that my pastor was on facebook at the time so I sent him a message. I told him where we had been and what we had done. He sent me back a "LOL" message and told me that was how one of his children was brought into the world... walking. I guess at the time it really didn't dawn on us about the walking.
That next morning (5:30am) Lisa woke me up... her water had broken! We rushed to the hospital to find we were the only patients there. Everything went so smoothly and we didn't plan a thing. As a matter of fact our plans went out the window. We weren't really ready, but God was! In the Words of the prophet Isaiah from chapter 55;
8For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. 9For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
The Lord knows what He is doing, right? Of Course! He is God isn't He? All throughout my wife's pregnancy with our son God has always been on time, His time. When we think that we know what God is doing He shows us just how far our ways are from his. He has made a way in every way for us just like a father does for his children. Our son was not born when we wanted, but was born at the exact moment the Lord wanted. He ordained a time and place for our son to join this world.
I want my son to know, that when it comes to him, his father's thoughts and ways are more than he can imagine or dream. Even when things don't go his way, I want him to know that "Dad" has his best intrests at heart. Dad is there to make sure things are taken care of properly. We as earthly fathers only get to mirror the true image of what God has intended in the "Father/Son" relationsip. I want my son to know that I love him enough to tell him no because I have already said yes to him... yes to being his father!
Welcome George Alfred Lynch V 10/25/09
1 comment:
Congratulations! Your son is so beautiful! He has been blessed with the best parents. kc
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