Monday, March 4, 2013

Cry Out

What a long and sleepless night! Have you ever had one of those? That kind of night where one of your children are up all night crying out?

The shrieks alone are enough to tear your heart out. It seems that no matter what you do there is no end to the pain or terror they are going through. You have changed diapers, given medicine, put on warmer clothes, taken off warmer clothes and yet nothing consuls. From the Crib come cries of "Dadda, Momma" from a young one dealing with pain & fear all alone. What do you do?

The relationship of Saul and David is a love/hate relationship. We find that as a small boy, David does great things in the name of God. His victories become many and his name becomes known... even above the Kings. In his jealous of David's growing popularity, Saul makes three direct attempts on David's life. David is crushed by this because Saul was someone David looked up to as a mentor and man of God. Refusing to retaliate, David goes into hiding. He ends up in a cave... a dark deep cave with only one thing left to do.... CRY OUT TO GOD. (read through 1st Samuel Chapters 17-24)

We have all experienced pain in life. Whether it be physical, emotional, or spiritual, pain is a major factor in our existence. It is how we deal with the pain that determines the suffering we go through. No matter who has turned their backs on us, who has attempted to take our life, or who has pushed us into the exile of a deep dark cave, It is the cry of our heart that determines the course of our actions.

One thing I am certain on, as a father, I cannot stand to hear my child cry! No matter what has happened, their cry is a call for Daddy's help that is irresistible to me. Last night, as my daughter cried out I was compelled to be with her. I picked her up and held her. She looked long and hard into my at me as I rocked her back to sleep. She seemed to feel safe, secure, and loved.

Listen to the cry of David's heart from within the cave...

Be gracious to me, O God, be gracious to me,
For my soul takes refuge in You;
And in the shadow of Your wings I will take refuge
Until destruction passes by.
I will cry to God Most High,
To God who accomplishes all things for me.
~Psalm 57:1-2

May your heart's cry during your dark and painful times be to a Father who is compelled by your cry to come and console you. May your every tear be a wooing of a Father who cannot stand to see His child in pain. May your most loneliest moments of despair be the moments you experience the embrace that only The Father can give.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

More than a beautiful thought...It actually brings Father God to mind in a more personal way. Thanks for sharing this!