I have begun reading this book by Andrew Murray. When I reached chapter 8 he began dealing with the struggle I have been having recently concerning the raising of my children. With all the counsel I have sought about putting my children in daycare it seems that I am left with one of two choices... "commitment or compromise".
In seeking counsel we have received many different replies, but none as scary as the one shared by a few well meaning Christians; "Millions of parents in the nation place their children in childcare while the they work, there is no reason you can't". I would like to allow Mr. Andrew Murray, a well respected theologian, author and disciple of Christ to enlighten us to the perils of such a statement.
"If only the eyes of God's people were opened to the danger which threatens His Church! It is not infidelity or superstition, it is the spirit of worldliness in the homes of our Christian people! The children are sacrificed to worldly ambitions and social pressures. The greatest dangers to Christ's Church are friendship with the world and the seeking of riches. If every Christian home were a training school for His service, more spiritual growth would take place than could be accomplished through preaching....."
"By faith Moses was hid by his parents- these simple words tell us our duty, and what our faith must do. Christian parents... hide your child! Hide him in the Safest Refuge- The Shadow of the Almighty...."
"Hide your children in the quietness of home life away from the excitements of the world. In that hiding place where the enemy cannot intrude, we have one of faith's highest duties. When the time comes that your child must come into contact with the world, you can still entrust him to the One who is the Keeper of Israel. Do not fear the sayings of others who proclaim, that the children cannot be kept separate from the world, they must go with the stream. Instead, let your faith be strong. Believe that yours are the children of a peculiar people, who are separated unto God. Continue to believe that they must be separate for Him...."
"The reward of the faith of Moses' parents will be ours. Moses was not only saved, but became the savior of his people. Your Child, too, will not only be blessed, but will also be made a blessing..."
"Let faith hide the child in the ark of God's love. Let faith train the child for God and His people. Then when the time comes that your child should go into the world, he will be safe in the power of faith and God's protection. A child of faith will not only receive a blessing for itself, but be a blessing to others."
For the parents who buy into the lie of the world system gets an average of 5 hours with their child daily. With all of the worldly "alternatives" to raising our children... I beg you Christian parent, Train your child up in the way they should go and when they are old they shall not depart from it.
I some times say that I was lucky to not only be raised but "trained" by my father. He took being a father so seriously that he wouldn't only make it to every sports event, for instance, he would usually coach the team. While not everyone has the same means, I do believe that God provides a way for every parent to truly be there for their children! Thanks for the post
My childhood was the exact opposite. My father wasn't there at all. Sure, he sent money if we needed it, but we needed so much more! I told myself I would be a differnt dad. It encourages me to hear the impact your father had on you just by being there and being involved in all you did. That's the kind of dad I hope to be :)
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