Arrhythmia. When the heart goes either faster or slower than it should. Now I am not in the medical field so bare with me. An arrhythmia is when the heart beats irregularly. This isn't moments of excitement or rest. The heart just doesn't beat as it should. The doctors have medical answers for these arrhythmia, but what about our spiritual arrhythmia? What does your spiritual heartbeat sound like? A fast heartbeat where you trying to do "For" God? What about a slow heartbeat where the status quo is good enough for you? Now think about what a heartbeat lined up with the Father's might sound like.
John chapter 15 sounds like the Father's heartbeat to me. He says that if we abide in Him we will bare much fruit and that if we don't abide in Him we can do nothing. If we abide in Him, we can ask and it shall be done. Now think about that one... when we abide in Him we know His heartbeat and therefore our heartbeat lines up with His. The Lord offers us to abide in His love. Then He hits us with the rhythm in the following verses;
12 This is my commandment, that ye love one another, even as I have loved you. 13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
The Father's Heartbeat, Love him with all you have and Love others as He has loved you... WITH ALL HE HAS!
My son sits with his head on my chest and listens to my heartbeat. He knows the rhythm of his fathers heart. What will he learn about his fathers spiritual heart condition as he grows and watches his father. I want my son to know and see that the heartbeat of my Heavenly Father is how I regulate my spiritual condition. Does my love for God and others show? Is it nothing but show? Is it complacent? Or does it radiate the presence of a God who invites us to abide in His love? I pray and hope the latter, so should you.
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